As professional communicators, our work has the potential to affect lives and influence economies. This is a significant responsibility and we take it seriously. All IABC members must read and adhere to the following ethical standards:
IABC Code of Ethics
- I am honest. My actions bring respect for and trust in the communication profession.
- I communicate accurate information and promptly correct any errors.
- I obey laws and public policies; if I violate any law or public policy, I act promptly to correct the situation.
- I protect confidential information while acting within the law.
- I support the ideals of free speech, freedom of assembly, and access to an open marketplace of ideas.
- I am sensitive to others cultural values and beliefs.
- I give credit to others for their work and cite my sources.
- I do not use confidential information for personal benefit.
- I do not represent conflicting or competing interests without full disclosure and the written consent of those involved.
- I do not accept undisclosed gifts or payments for professional services from anyone other than a client or employer.
- I do not guarantee results that are beyond my power to deliver.
Interested in learning more?
Go to IABC’s Code of Ethics to read about IABC’s Code of Ethics in practice.