It’s that time of year where we seek new members for our IABC Manitoba Board of Directors. As I talk to interested Manitobans about available roles, one interesting trend emerges. Volunteering is in the back of many people’s minds, but the unknown holds them back. In this month’s message, I’ll solve that mystery for you as the deadline to put your name in to join our Board is looming.

Getting started
Our website lists the open roles on our Board of Directors. If you see a role that interests you in any way, send a brief email to us to express your interest. Sending that email opens the door for a conversation for you to learn more. A member of our Board, often me, would meet you for a virtual chat to answer any questions you may have.

You do not need to be a current member to apply, but you do need to become a member to serve on the Board.

Congratulations! Let’s say you accept a role on the Board of Directors. You are appointed at our June Annual General Meeting. Then, you receive an onboarding guide and an invite to join our online community on Slack, which we use as our primary way to communicate.

After a quiet summer, we gather the new and returning Board members for a strategic planning session. This session is where we define our goals for the chapter year (June to June) ahead and you walk away with a better understanding of how your role fits into the broader Board and a designated Board Buddy who is there to support you in your role.

Our Board includes what we call Executive (Vice-President, President and Past President), Directors who each oversee a portfolio such as Membership or Professional Development, and Committee Members within the portfolios.

Hitting your stride
While each role varies slightly, in a typical month, expect a few things as a Board member. On your calendar, you’ll have a monthly Board meeting to attend (around an hour). Likely, you would meet with your portfolio too and have a few applicable action items to complete.

IABC Manitoba is part of the IABC Canada West Region, which means someone else holds the same Board role as you in another western Canadian city. Sometimes this group meets to discuss ideas that could be shared across the Boards.

Having fun
As a Board member, you may attend our monthly professional development events for Manitoba’s communicators for free. And, you gain access to additional opportunities to attend conferences (virtual these days) also for free or at significantly reduced rates.

That’s it. Mystery solved.

I hope to receive an email of interest from you. We strive to have a diverse board, with representation from different backgrounds, career stages, industries, locations, and more.

Jackie De Pape Hornick
President, IABC Manitoba