Highest Percentage of Growth in its Size Out of All Chapters Worldwide

It’s no secret that we love our members here at IABC Manitoba, and this month they proved that our small but mighty chapter is capable of great things!

During Member Month, IABC Manitoba had the highest percentage of growth in its size category out of all the chapters worldwide! This is a huge testament to not only our incredible community of members, but also our dedicated board of directors for getting the word out.

Also, our chapter just crossed 100 memberships, which means this year saw a 20% growth in membership. A big thanks to our friends at MPI and the University of Winnipeg PACE program for helping us cross that milestone, and again to the rest of our members for making IABC Manitoba something that people want to be a part of.

IABC Member Sam Swanson is one of many local communicators who find so much value in joining our community.

“I joined IABC for a more active knowledge of professional practices in different sectors and throughout the dynamic areas of communications — I look forward to connecting with communicators across industries,” he said.

We can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for our chapter!