For Member of the Month, we asked Tanya Misseghers, a member of IABC Manitoba and co-ordinator of Professional Development, a series of quick questions. Here are her answers:
Q: What are your go-to websites or blogs?
A: HubSpot, MarketingProfs, Mashable, Pew Research Center
Q: Who is your comms hero or mentor?
A: CJ Craig from the The West Wing. She knew to stand up and when to back down, then went ahead and stood up no matter what.
Q: What is your area(s) of expertise?
A: Research, writing & earned media
Q: What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out in communications?
A: Take every opportunity to write. Volunteer. Network. Keep a journal when you can.
Q: What comms or marketing campaign are you the most proud of? Tell us a bit about it.
A: 4/5 page earned media article on day the of a big event thanks to Jen Zoratti, Winnipeg Free Press. I came up with the concept, pitched it, and chased it for months.
Q: What quality do you admire the most in other comms people?
A: How welcoming and accepting they are, no matter what type of comms work you do and their willingness to help you achieve your goals
Q: What’s your worst comms nightmare and has it ever come true?
A: Oh, you’d better believe it. I held a media event a few years ago. I invited my mom and her friends as it was a topic of interest to them. All the media who had confirmed they would cover it never showed up. Lesson learned? Make sure your platform party includes a Minister with the Provincial Government.
Q: What are your top 3 all-time favourite brands/org for communications?
A: Coca-Cola, Apple, WestJet
Q: If you could have 1, single-use mulligan (a do-over) for anything in your comms career what would you redo and make it better?
A: I would have pushed harder to find a mentor
Q: What qualities do you think are essential to be a successful communicator?
A: Listening. Curiosity. Being non-judgmental
Q: Which direction do you see communications heading towards in the near future?
A: Adapting to an AI landscape
Q: If you could pick 3 comms people from around Manitoba to be on your comm dream team, who would they be? Why?
A: Susie Erjavec Parker for social media, the writer for Her Honour the Honourable Janice Filmon CM OM; 25th Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, Ace Burpee for frontman/media relations/pr
Q: If you weren’t communications, what would you be doing?
A: In a univeristy/college environment managing a placement/internship or student awards program
Q: What do you value the most while at work as a communicator?
A: The privilege of sharing people’s stories
Q: How do you keep up with the changing trends and technology?
A: Other than volunteering with IABC Manitoba? It would have to be social media.
Q: Which PR/Comms-related book would you recommend?
A: Terry O’Reilly, This I Know: Marketing Lessons from Under The Influence