Introducing to you Karen Kornelsen; Marketing, communications, and event manager for The Exchange District Biz.

UntitledKaren has majored in journalism and has a diploma degree in creative communications.

She worked in the journalism field for about eight years (actually she still works, but as a freelancer now). She received a lot of no’s at the beginning of her career but persevered and after she got her first yes, her career took off from there. Then the next natural step for her was moving into the communications field. Back to Winnipeg two years ago, she started at The Exchange District Biz.

When asked what public relations means to her, the answer was clear: “Building relationships, specially from a non-profit perspective”.

Beyond that, she has a dynamic and intense routine: responsible for all marketing, digital content, website, internal and external communications, support to businesses, events planning, sponsorship relations, and management of all social media channels. (Whew!)

With that in mind, she was asked about the challenges in her daily routine: “Time management, be able to wear different hats (being able to switch them), and establish a work-life balance”.

When asked what she enjoys the most in her job, the answer was “PEOPLE”. She is passionate about the neighbourhood (Exchange District), and has a genuine interest about the community and businesses. She is honoured to be able to tell their stories, and promote and support them through her role.

To finish the interview, she has given precious advice for all those who are in the field:

How to keep current in the industry?

Takeaway #1: mentoring (she has a mentor and she doesn’t hesitate to ask him for advice!)

Takeaway #2: attending industry and leadership events

What makes a candidate, for a communications position, stand out?

Takeaway #3: “When a candidate is versatile, has different skills, is able to wear different hats, is an organized person, and demonstrates passion for profession!”

Tips for those who are beginning:

Takeaway #4: “Be prepared for rejection, don’t be afraid to ask for help, work hard, and don’t give up!”

It is always good to get insights from a professional in the field. A person is the most valuable source of information. Knowledge, especially in the communications field is essential.

Renata Castro has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management in Brazil, and is back to school now for a Public Relations Diploma at The University of Winnipeg (PACE). Her new challenge is to adapt to Winnipeg’s winter while conciliating studies and work. Her hobby is to read, to watch movies, and popcorn.